Twitch Chat Decides My First Chapter for #NaNaWrimo

Clare Cullen / Clisare
2 min readNov 9, 2022

The below is the first chapter of my attempt at writing a book for #NaNaWriMo. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a yearly challenge where aspirational (or actual!) writers attempt to write a novel in the month of November. The chapter below was written with the help of Twitch chat, live on stream, with chat making key decisions as to character names, plot points and more.

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“Are you coming?” she said, impatiently. ‘He always takes forever to get off his computer’ she thought to herself with annoyance.

“Coming” he said out loud. “Eejit” he muttered under his breath.

“It’s Íde!” she shouted as she walked towards the door where the rest of her co-workers were waiting to leave.

The group sauntered down the road to Séan’s bar, “the oldest bar in Ireland, or so they claim, anyway!” her boss repeated for the fourth year in a row, to no one in particular.

Íde hated Christmas parties — but especially work ones. There was a built-in requirement to behave yourself at work functions that she especially didn’t like. Add that to having to spend more time than absolutely necessary with people like Elliott and it was her idea of slow torture.

On arrival at Séan’s, Íde went straight to the bar — ostensibly to get the first round of drinks but really, to hurry her own first drink into her system. On her way, she passed Dermot, the bar’s longest-standing patron — well, not standing; falling asleep in the corner. Again. She shook her head in pity and then turned away, busying herself ordering so Elliot didn’t come over to help.



Clare Cullen / Clisare

YouTube Content Creator & Twitch Streamer. I use Medium to share and expand on my video features on YouTube.